How moms teach us to bond better with Mother Earth

If adulting is no walk in the park, Motherhood is a different kind of trek altogether. Being a mother is being a superhero – almost. At least, your children do think you’re one, sometimes till they grow up, but usually, all their lives. In many cultures of the world, including India, the mother is an exalted figure, one to be revered and respected for regular and at times for near-mythical powers! You can imagine how much pressure the poor lady must live up to for this one role alone. But it’s a fact that from a bruise on the finger to broken hearts, mothers have famously fixed them all.
“My mother knows it all.” “My mom knows best!” Sound familiar to you? Well, these are mouthed by countless children all over the world at different times of growing up. Because mothers do tend to understand you best.
It’s Mother’s Day once again, the day to celebrate these wonderful moms, grandmoms and mother figures that have made life easier, sweeter, and meaningful for us. They may not be on magazine covers, shoutouts and podcasts but these silent heroes go about their work, day on day, month on month, really expecting nothing at all.
What’s more, quite without thinking about it, they teach us lessons for a lifetime, equipping us to deal with the uncertainty of life. Have you thought about the fact that oftentimes, Mom is the first person to turn to if your tooth hurts or a zit pops up? Miraculously, home remedies appear – she pulls them out of her pantry or kitchen cupboard to put the crisis under control.
So, we thought why not a small roundup of the benefits of some produce derived naturally that mothers have been handing down from generation to generation?
At Phool Patti, whenever we get the opportunity, we love to highlight the incredible connection that humankind has with Mother Earth. We love to believe she gives unconditionally to everyone, not creating any biases and distinctions between one and the other. Her supply is endless if we aren’t plain greedy. Scientists are still discovering her treasures. She’s one cool mom for sure!
Do read on for some common home remedies from Mother Nature and don’t forget to do your bit for this mom as well, not just on Mother’s Day but all through the year. Your own mother will be more than pleased, we bet!
1. Ginger – Zingiber officinale is its scientific name and the brownish, knobbly part that finds its way to us is the rhizome of the plant, that we commonly refer to as ginger root. It has been used as a spice for ages as well as in folk medicine. As a spice and flavouring agent, it finds its way into pickles, jellies, candy, breads, and beverages – both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, apart from being used extensively in dishes around the year. It is a fragrant kitchen essential that any good cook would always keep in stock. It can be crushed, ground fresh, shredded and grated, julienned, diced in small pieces or pickled in vinegar or sherry. High five for versatility. Ginger can also be dried thoroughly and crushed to make a powder. In modern times, technology has enabled ready-to-use ginger paste. Ginger may have antibacterial and antiviral properties and is believed to be anti-inflammatory. According to some medicinal studies and reviews, ginger helps to reduce gas and improve digestion, relieve nausea, support and strengthen the immune system, support cardiovascular health, relieve certain pains and reduce inflammation.
2. Turmeric – Also belonging to the ginger family, turmeric is scientifically known as Curcurma longa. It is a native plant of tropical South Asia and contains curcurmin from which it gets it name. In some cultures, it is known as the Golden Spice because of its radiant burst of yellow within and its properties. Apart from its prolific use as a cooking agent in most side dishes in many countries – curries and gravies, most vegetarian and non-vegetarian – turmeric is believed to have loads of benefits. It is used as powerful herbal medicine for rheumatoid arthritis, for conjunctivitis, UTIs, liver ailments, treatment of wounds, several skin problems like itchy skin, lung infections, headaches and even depression.
3. Cinnamon – One of the commonest species is the Cinnamomun verum or zeylanicum, though it is also derived from other trees of the genus Cinnamomum. It is the dried inner bark of the tree, that is used as a heavenly-smelling spice sprinkled on many confectionaries and savories and sprinkled on latte. Studies have shown there are unmistakable health benefits of this plant product. It has a powerful positive effect on metabolism as it is loaded with antioxidants that protect your body from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. It could be protecting you from heart disease. It helps your body tackle infections and repair damages as studies have shown it has anti-inflammatory properties.
4. Bay Leaf – Also known as laurel (scientifically, it goes by several different names as many varieties are used, from the California Bay Leaf to the Turkish Bay Leaf), this has a mild, unmistakable herbal aroma and taste and is used commonly as a spice to flavor soups, gravies, and meat dishes. Since the dried leaf remains hard and tough to chew, it is used while the cooking is in on but usually taken out before serving. Some dishes, however, leave it for garnishing. Varieties of the leaf grow in many parts of the world from the Caribbean to South- East Asia as mentioned before. The notable health benefits are – Aiding digestion, reducing Type 2 Diabetes risk factors, boosting the immune system through antioxidants.
5. Garlic – Known as Allium sativum, garlic has scores of takers for its distinctive role as a flavoring agent alone but remember, these white pearls pack quite a punch when it comes to health benefits. Medical research has thrown up a lot of information on how the simple garlic can be used effectively for health issues. It is believed to lower lung and brain cancer risk, lower chance of hip osteoarthritis, provide heart protection, improve blood lipid profile, strengthen antioxidant potential of your body, give relief in common cold, lower overall risk of spontaneous PTD. So, you can enjoy garlic while reaping its numerous benefits.
6. Lemon – This zesty and popular plant produce with its fabulously citrusy smell brings strong summery vibes every time. It is the fruit of shrub-like evergreen plants that are a native of Asia. Citrus limon is used both for culinary and non culinary purposes. Lemonade and lemon pies and tarts have been all-time favorites with children across generations. They are also used in salads, sauces, and drinks. Moreover, the health benefits are fabulous. A lemon is one of the richest sources of Vitamin C that is essential for maintaining good health and warding off infections. It is also rich in flavonoids, a form of antioxidants, so vital is eliminating free radicals from the body that cause damage to cells. It lowers the risk of strokes and high blood pressure. It lowers asthma attacks in chronic patients as it boosts the immune system. It is excellent for the skin as it helps maintain a healthy complexion. It is also believed to help in weight loss.
The content provided is for informational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice. Please consult your healthcare professional for any specific health issue.
Here’s wishing all moms, grandmoms, and mother figures all the love, happiness, peace that each of them truly deserves. Happy Mother’s Day from Team Phool Patti.
- Tags: Mother Earth Mother's Day