Self Care

Caring for my own self. Why it’s important
It is but natural that life will throw a few curveballs at each one of us. For some, it starts right after infancy and continues through life. Others have it easier. However, no one goes without it altogether. So, it makes sense to watch out for your own self, to ensure that you remain fit and healthy, eat better, sleep better, and stay happy.
The old advice about putting on the oxygen mask in a crisis in an aircraft before attempting to help anyone else. Looking after your own self is NOT selfish, rather it is of utmost importance because it is directly related to your physical and mental health.
Mental health in essence is the sum of your emotional health, cognitive health, and behavioral health. When you have sound mental health, it ensures that you deliver your best, day on day, in a spirit of joy, hope and positivity. You make healthy and joyous living a habit, eating better, maintaining optimal weight, carrying enough energy for your daily work and play and generally living a more productive and fulfilling life.
A certain term has gained much popularity in recent times and indicates the above process of watching out for one’s own sound physical and mental health as a practice and working consciously towards maintaining that state through the stress and strain of a modern lifestyle. It is called Self- Care.
No prizes for guessing why Self-care is so important and why health and wellness experts are stressing upon it.
What is Self- Care
According to the World Health Organization, self-care is defined as “the ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, prevent disease and maintain health, and to cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a healthcare provider.”
Another definition describes self-care as providing adequate attention to one’s physical and psychological wellness. (Beauchamp & Childress, 2001). It has also been described as an “ethical imperative” (Norcross & Barnett, 2008)
In everyday life, we practice self-care by being mindful and paying enough attention to what our body is trying to convey and responding in the right direction.
Phool Patti believes in practicing self-care regularly
However, self-care is a broad category with many smaller sub-categories. We decided to break the regimen into sub- categories and will bring them to you in successive blogs. We begin with one that is close to Ruby’s (our Founder- Director) heart. It is also imperative for a pleasant and satisfied life.
- Eat healthier. Maintain portion size. Attain the optimal body weight for yourself. Enlist the help of a specialist if you have an existing health issue and to achieve a specific goal within a specific time frame.
- Do not deprive your body of any major food groups is what most specialists’ advice and we second it. Try and discover smarter and healthier ways to satisfy your food cravings. For example, if you have a sweet tooth, go ahead and satisfy your craving (not applicable to those with medical conditions) but avoid super sweeteners and keep a watch on your portion size.
Do not skip breakfast. As the old proverb goes – Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.”
- There can be excuses galore. How often do you say to yourself (and others) - “There’s no time to exercise?” Remember, it is your body. Build in at least 15 minutes per day for putting your muscles, bones, and tissues to action. Several studies have found that short-but-frequent- workouts are as effective as daily 40-minute sessions. (National Institutes of Health, America funded study in 2005). There’s something for every individual. Consult a health specialist if you’re over 30 or have an existing health condition and get going. The benefits are too many too miss.
- Change your mindset, change your life! I will never be able to succeed in life. I just don’t have the time, energy, funds to do this. It’s just too late to begin all over again. I am sure I will fail as I have failed in my earlier attempts. Do these seem even remotely familiar? Well, we all go through bouts of self-questioning and being over-critical and disapproving of our own selves. But watch out you don’t allow them to take over all the space in your head. There are many proven ways to deal with self-deprecating thoughts now. Choose a method or combination of them to deal with the situation. And yes, a serious clinical situation needs to be addressed by a specialist only.
- Beat stress! This is easier said than done. But certainly, worth a try. Mediate. Try Yoga. Get moving. Get enough sleep and stick to a routine for your sleep-time. Keep a journal. Say “No” without guilt when the situation demands. Connect with folks who lift your spirits up. Laugh everyday and from your heart. Be out in cool sunshine for at least a while every day. Work out. Eat healthy. Listen to music. Seek counselling if necessary.
- Avoid self-medication. Some of us are notoriously famous for this. We tend to think that we are the ultimate therapist for our own body and behave as such. A migrane? Pop this pill. Stomach cramps? Take some other pill. Nasal congestion? Take this drop or that. This is not only foolish but downright dangerous. Seek proper medical help for your health concerns.
- Remember to go for your tests and check-ups regularly if you are above the age of 30.
- Practice safe sex for good physical and mental health.
- Consciously look for ways to be happy. Happiness ensures a stronger immunity.
(Adapted from - 365 Health Tips, Prevention magazine)
- Tags: Self care