‘Tis the Season

When December comes around signifying the year is about to end, it’s time to pause awhile and take stock of how the journey has been over the past months before we start counting down the days to the new year.
December, one of the coldest months of the year, is one of the busiest and buzziest with plenty of celebrations. We celebrate the joy and cheer of holidays, beauty of pristine snow, warmth of homecomings, swinging energy of parties, delicious traditional food and drinks, and the priceless time we spend with those we love.
At Phool Patti, we also believe that this is the best time to jog your brain for some important reminders that are all about mindful living.
So, in this season of festivity and joyfulness when snowflakes turn into dreamy dragonflies flitting about and resting on every outdoorsy surface they find, we thought of drawing up this list we believe in and live by.
We hope it works for you too!
1. Remember to be Kind – A wise one once remarked,” It is important to remember that it can all vanish in the blink of an eye.” In India, the ancient land from where Phool Patti derives its inspiration, the philosophy that many live by is – You come with nothing, and you return without anything. Far from being morbid, it is a practical reminder that humans are born without anything as babies and when they die, they leave their possessions behind them. And well, if you possess nothing, what are you snooty about? Just feel blessed and be grateful and glad for your good luck that has permitted you to live a better life than millions of others. It naturally follows that you be kind to the ones who do not possess what you do. You can go a step further and share a portion of what you have with the lesser-privileged. What better time to do this than during this amazing holiday season?
2. Allow yourself to take it easy – Most of the time, we are obsessed with maximising every minute of every hour of the day. In our times, unfortunately, time has become equated with money earned. So, we drive ourselves on and on to make the best use of the available time to earn a better living. But remember, nonstop work/ duty (and for a certain period) is required ofemergency workers only and not all of us need to work round-the-clock. You may already be aware of the term ‘burn out’. By flogging your mind and body to work beyond their capacity, you are poisoning your soul and spirit, not to mention considerably weakening your own body’s immune system. During this holiday season, make a conscious decision to slow down, take it easy and evaluate your life goals. With a bit of smart tweaking, you will be able to create a better work-life balance.
3. Allot time for self-care – This is one of the favorite mantras that Ruby Walia, Founder – Phool Patti, lives by. Whether it is a short walk in the crisp morning air, a brief session of yoga and meditation or specially concocted herbal teas, she is a big advocate of self-care. Self-care allows you to literally speak to yourself, to your concerns and anxieties and address them. Take some time out of your daily schedule – no matter how busy you are - to drain out the cacophony of the modern lifestyle and speak to the little child within you in serenity. The sessions and consequent results may be surprising, even to you. If you live in a green landscape, go out as often as you can and enjoy being in nature.
4. Set realistic goals and permit patience to serve her turn - This is certainly a time when you want to reaffirm your fondest wishes and cherished dreams that are waiting to be claimed. Wise and planned goalsetting is important for every individual and not just those in business arenas. However, permit your action plan to motivate and encourage you to achieve greater success instead of making you feel like a loser. Set rational and logical targets for yourself and give time, time. So often we rush around madly to realize our dreams. It just doesn’t work that way, does it? “Every flower blooms in its own time”, the old saying goes. Keep monitoring results and outcomes. Keep correcting your course as you go along. And yes, remember to enjoy the journey too.
5. Enjoy the little joys of life with your loved ones - holidays, special occasions, and personal events. We will never forget the dark days of the recent COVID-19 pandemic that made us realize how important human-to-human interaction is. Now that the dark clouds have lifted and we can go out and meet one another socially, enjoy the little joys of life in the company of the ones who are closest to your heart – your friends and family, those who had and will have your back no matter what, those you love you for what you are. Cherish their presence in your life and immerse yourself in love and affection this festive season and all through the year whenever you can.
Here's to many holiday cheers.
Ruby and Team Phool Patti wish you and yours a very Happy and Prosperous Christmas and New Year!
- Tags: Holidays